dog training

Book a Discovery Call Today!

Whether a dog is 8 weeks old or 18 years old, they can benefit from training. A dog is never too young or old  to learn!  A healthy balance of basic manners, socializing, mental stimulation, and energy outlets set up your canine companion for success.  Let Amniota Animal Training help teach you and your dog how to be better companions for one another.

Training Services:

Private Lessons

coaching for you and your dog

Private dog training is for the committed individual or family that is enthusiastic to learn and has the time to devote to training their dog every day. Kelsey will give you one-on-one guidance on how to work with your dog.

How it works: After the initial consultation, Kelsey will develop a customized training plan for you and your dog.  She will meet with you once a week to coach you on how to train and address any behavior issues. For the rest of that week you will follow a homework plan and practice what you have learned. Over the following weeks, you will become the trainer your canine needs!

Our private lesson programs include:


let us do the training for you!

Are you a hard working individual with a hectic and busy schedule? Or maybe you aren’t confident in your own training abilities? Whatever the reason, day-training is for you. Day-training is the fastest and most effective way to train your dog. Just let Kelsey do all the training for you! With her experience, she can achieve in weeks what may take you months or even years to train. Investing in day-training is the most efficient and preferred solution to training your dog.

How it works:  After our initial consultation, where we discuss goals and needs, Kelsey will come to your home and start training lessons with your pup. When the lessons are complete, you and your family will have “transfer lessons”.  These “transfer lessons” will show off all that your dog has learned and will teach you how to maintain those behaviors.

Our day-training program includes: